LiDAR Course

Written by Claudio Muñoz on

August 03, 2016

The LiDAR course will focus on how to create Canopy Height Models and plot as well as raster based forestry metrics such as canopy cover, as well as percentiles, strata, kurtosis, skewness, standard deviation, etc for both normalized heights as well as intensities. The focus of the course would be the many important choices that need to be made and their impact on the resulting output. The course will also emphasize the importance of quality checking the raw LiDAR obtained before starting to produce the needed outputs.

The LiDAR course will be held on Friday 18th November in the morning (4 hours long). The instructor will be Dr. Martin Isenburg who is the developer of LAStools and the founder of rapidlasso GmbH.

The cost of course is US$30 per person. The participation to the course is strictly restricted to regularly registered ForestSat 2016 participants. For register, you must fill the Course Registration Form from your user account on the website

Martin Isenburg received his MSc in 1999 from UBC in Vancouver, Canada, and his PhD in 2004 from UNC in Chapel Hill, USA -- both in Computer Science. Currently he is an independent scientist, lecturer, and consultant. Martin has created a popular LiDAR processing software called LAStools that is widely used across industry, government agencies, research labs, and educational institutions. LAStools is the flagship product of rapidlasso GmbH, the company he founded in 2012. Martin's ultimate goal is to combine high-tech remote sensing and organic urban farming in a "laser farm" that promotes green projects as hip and fun activities for the iPad generation.

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