Price & Payment
The prices for the registration (US$ American dollars) at ForestSAT-2016 are:
- Early registration: US$ 450
- Early student registration: US$ 200
- Late registration: US$ 550
- Late student registration: US$ 350
- One day early registration: US$ 250
- One day late registration: US$ 300
The early registration is from 1st December, 2015 to 31th July, 2016.
The late registration is from 1st August, 2016 to 13th November, 2016.
The registration fees include:
- The access to the conference venue, the possibility to submit up to two contributions, the conference information material, six coffee breaks and three lunches for the days of November from 15th to 17th and the welcome cocktail.
- The social dinner, participation to courses, excursions and all those costs not specified here above are not included and have to be reserved separately.
Price & Payment
The prices for the registration (US$ American dollars) at ForestSAT-2016 are:
- Early registration: US$ 450
- Early student registration: US$ 200
- Late registration: US$ 550
- Late student registration: US$ 350
- One day early registration: US$ 250
- One day late registration: US$ 300
The early registration is from 1st December, 2015 to 31th July, 2016.
The late registration is from 1st August, 2016 to 13th November, 2016.
The registration fees include:
- The access to the conference venue, the possibility to submit up to two contributions, the conference information material, six coffee breaks and three lunches for the days of November from 15th to 17th and the welcome cocktail.
- The social dinner, participation to courses, excursions and all those costs not specified here above are not included and have to be reserved separately.
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